Tag: executive search

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GDPR News & Tips – Autumn/Winter

Our latest client newsletter this week is a bumper edition – topics and tips tailored for search and recruitment include: New Guidance For Handling Employee Health Information New Workplace Monitoring Guidance Two Recruitment Firms Reprimanded For Security Failures New UK-US Data Bridge Now Available Artificial Intelligence Data Protection News Highlights […]

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GDPR News & Tips – July 2023

It’s been an active few months for data protection compliance developments, including various updates from regulators. Topics we explore in this edition of our GDPR News & Tips for clients include: EU Approves New Framework For Data Transfers To USArtificial Intelligence For Recruitment – GDPR MattersFine For Losing Portable USB […]

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Direct Marketing – GDPR Handbook Update

In response to new detailed direct marketing guidance issued by the ICO at the end of 2022, ComplyGDPR has released a new Handbook update. The Handbook update incorporates guidance on sending marketing communications to individuals (e.g. candidates) versus company contacts (e.g. most clients) via telephone, email, social media and post.  […]

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GDPR news & tips – Spring 2021

GDPR topics and tips for search/recruitment businesses that we explore in our April 2021 client newsletter include: – Lingering post-Brexit matters– New data sharing guidance– Updated Standard Contractual Clauses for UK GDPR– Costly website cookies mistakes– Care around legitimate interests– Latest enforcement action and regulatory focus areas for 2021 For […]

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New EU/UK representative requirements for GDPR

If your firm does not have a office in the EU, you may need to appoint an EU representative for GDPR from 31st December 2020.

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Coronavirus service update for ComplyGDPR clients

Client services during Coronavirus It’s business as usual here at ComplyGDPR. Working remotely has been the norm for all our personnel for some time and we still have full access to our technology systems, online training platform, documentation, and other resources. We’re still here to help with your queries, deliver […]

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Homeworking and building GDPR into your coronavirus response.

If your employees are homeworking for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic, how are you protecting personal data of your candidates and other individuals? Recruiter magazine asked ComplyGDPR what this means for executive search and recruitment firms. Click here to find out more.

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10 reasons for a business in the recruitment sector to ignore the GDPR & the ICO

  Finally, an article to challenge the GDPR hysteria amongst recruiters. Over the past four months I’ve had discussions with a large number of executive search and recruitment businesses. I’ve heard a range of reasons why some businesses are going to ignore the GDPR and run the risk of the […]

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Recruiters take note – new proposal to impose criminal prosecutions under the UK version of the GDPR

Recruitment businesses and Executive Search firms assessing the impact of the GDPR, should take note of the statement of intent in respect of The New Data Protection Bill published yesterday by the Department for Digital, Culture Media & Sport https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/635900/2017-08-07_DP_Bill_-_Statement_of_Intent.pdf The statement of intent dated 7th August, sets out how the […]

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How does the GDPR affect executive search and recruitment processes?

The core of the legislation is the assertion that an individual’s right to privacy and control over his/her own data is a fundamental human right. Despite being EU legislation, it applies to companies outside Europe when they process data of EU citizens. The GDPR touches everything from assignment work, marketing, […]

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